Sunday, October 16, 2016

OBW 169 ~ Holiday


Kirsty (United States)

Ros (United Kingdom)

Mandysea (Australia)

Riitta (Finalnd)

We love to have more people join in the fun, please feel free to grab our button (on top of the side bar), and use it on your blog post, link back to our blog when you mentioned OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD on your blog post, thanks you!

We encourage you to hop around and read about the story behind each picture, make some new friends or you can mingle here at our comment section, this is what OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD is all about.

Upcoming Weeks....

October 23 - Comfort
October 30 -Orange
November 6 - Hobby

We love that you are here, please feel free to post and mingle. However, please link photos according to our weekly theme, mention and show our link on your blog post and not your cut and paste list of link parties. Thank you!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


Ela said...

Fantastic photos ! I admire all photos but my favorite is from Australia !!
Happy Sunday !

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Thank you for hosting! My holiday shots relate to "holy days" celebrated in a church.

My Desktop Daily said...

In Australia, "Holiday" means "vacation"! :-)
Thanks for hosting.

Suza said...

fantastic. I love the icebear